Sunday, 11 March 2012

A Little Introduction

What I'm going to be doing:
As you will have seen on my just giving page I currently work for the Child Bereavement Charity as an Administration Apprentice. This week will be my final week working with the charity but I will remain a strong supporter of the work that they do, and will volunteer at any and all events I can.

About Alex:
Alex was the life and soul of life itself, she took me under her wing when I transferred to Great Marlow School. We went through so many highs and lows of life in the six years I knew her. One of the lowest points was the unexpected death of her mother, unfortunately Alex was the one who found her. I was there for Alex every step of the way and with a few of her selected friends, attended her mothers funeral and stood by her side as she read one of the most beautiful poems I have ever heard, that she had written herself.

Although Alex didn't know it, she truly was my rock, I could rely on her at any time to guide me to the right choice. So when she died on the 29th of March 2011 at 8pm in a car accident with her boyfriend, it felt and still feels like the world crumbled. Since then I've existed instead of living, stopped feeling anything real, but now its time to get back to living because I've found messages that Alex wrote for me before she passed and between her death and now they kept appearing . . . I didn't even know I had them in the first place.

Why an Abseil:
Not long after I started at Great Marlow School we went on a school trip and part of that trip was to climb and abseil down a climbing wall, I do rock-climbing and free-climbing as a hobby and so climbed and abseiled the 30ft wall with ease. This event will take my hobby to new heights approximately 6 times higher that I have ever been before.

I will also be posting some of my memories of Alex and some of her closest friends will also be contributing to this blog so that we can collectively remember Alex in the run up to the anniversary of her death.
Please join me on the adventure that I am about to embark on.

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