Thursday, 15 March 2012

One Chapter Closes and Another Begins

A very pretty Alex smoking
Alex lived life to the full and did what
she wanted because she knew just
 how very short life can be
So today was my last day at the Child Bereavement Charity, it was wonderful to see all the butterfly cakes that I made last night disappear before my eyes. I received some unexpected leaving gifts such as chocolates, some lovely books, two little doves that I interpret me "flying the nest", and an experience pack to go paint balling with 9 friends :). The Charity also kindly clubbed together to get me a gift card for New Look to buy new work clothes, which I am very grateful for :)

The total still stands at £53, so any donations would be gratefully received as I heard that the weather will be rainy on Saturday and I have received notification that Julia and me will be abseiling at 10am.

I've managed to wangle some memories that some of Alex's friends have of her, I understand that it can be hard to remember and share these memories as we now treasure them, because no more memories of Alex can be created.  Below is a conversation I have had with some of them on Facebook. Below is a conversation I have had with Alice Murray and Claire Riley on Facebook.

  • Rebecca Stafford Could someone give me a memory that they have of Alex please?
    22 minutes ago · 
  • Claire Riley umm... she always used to spell my name like this "clair" with no e, and whenever she remembered she made a point of it lol, and i when i passed out she ran all the way to matron with bare feet xx
    18 minutes ago · 
  • Rebecca Stafford I can work with that :) Alice you got one?
    15 minutes ago · 
  • Alice Murray first halloween party she had at her house near the esso, i was wearing some god awful angel costume and I slightly came out as bi cos i fancied hazel, instead of supporting me and saying everything wuld be fine, she ripped the piss out of me for the whole nite. though in the morning she did make it up to me with cookie dough ice cream. best halloween party ever

And the lovely Laura Smith has also shared the amusing memory below.

A memory I thought of was that when it was Christmas we had the crazy idea of roasting chestnuts on her fireplace and we ended up burning her carpet xxx

So I start my new job tomorrow and I truly don't know how I feel about that, I don't think I've had much time to mull it over which I guess is a good thing as when I do have the time to think about these things I worry about them to the point where I make myself ill. I'll be fine right?

Tonight's word from Alex always makes me regret not being as skilled as she was, as I never had the nerve to write about how important she was to me. So I would like to dedicate this poem by Alex in her memory.

A Word from Alex
I wonder if you know how much it means to me knowing you are there,
I wonder if you know how much it means to me knowing that you care,

It doesn't matter were I go, your with me everywhere.

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